The Frozen Embryo Transfer Date Calculator helps you estimate important dates in your frozen embryo transfer, both medicated and cryonatural.
Planning for a frozen embryo transfer (FET) is an exciting step on your fertility journey, but the process can feel overwhelming without a clear sense of timing. That’s why I’ve created this Frozen Embryo Transfer Date Calculator—to provide you with a personalized estimate of when your embryo transfer might take place based on key details like your cycle type, embryo maturity, and individual factors such as cycle length or a history of a thin uterine lining. This calculator is designed to empower you with a better understanding of your embryo transfer timeline, so you can feel more prepared and in control as you take this important step toward building your family.
Note this tool is just an approximation. For instance, the length time you remain on Estrogen can vary depending if you are trying to have your transfer date be on a specific date. For the purposes of this tool, I am using the average length of time for each phase based on my clinical experience.
My name is Dr. Lucky Sekhon and I am a double-board certified REI and welcome to my website. I produce content regarding fertility, reproduction and women’s health regularly, to stay up to date follow me on Instagram or sign up for my monthly mailing list.
As always, this tool is not a substitute for professional medical advice and is only meant to be used as an approximation. Please speak to your RE or OB to confirm all of the displayed information. Note, none of your information is stored in anyway by this tool.